Tuesday, April 12, 2011


How do you manage your time?

Some days I feel super productive but recently I feel the opposite. And how do you prioritize??

Raising the children is my #1 job, but sometimes the dishes need to be done and the laundry needs to be folded, or at least washed! Sometimes I need a break. Sometimes I feel guilty taking my kids to the park because it isn't "productive" but really spending time with them and letting them play and enjoy the fresh air is one of the best things I could be doing. But it means letting other things go....

Why is my house never as clean as I'd like it to be - and why can't I motivate myself to clean the windowsills that desperately need it??!

I feel like I used to be awesome at time management and now I am failing.

I think one of the big things is dropping the "do it all" mentality that is so pervasive in our society. So what are the important things. When Elaine is painting a picture, do I do the dishes or do I sit down at the table and talk with her? It probably depends in part on the day, but I've just been struggling with time lately. My days seem full but at the end of the day I've wondered what I have done. There is no good checklist for motherhood - so how can I feel satisfied and fulfilled with where I am, knowing that 10 years from now I may have more time for my personal "to dos" and less time painting and blowing bubbles?? It's tricky.


1 comment:

  1. I have to say this is a struggle for me too. I am a neat freak, so I confess will ignore (not REALLY ignore, but you know what I mean) them so I can do the dishes or fold laundry. That being said, I constantly feel guilty when Abby is asking me to play with her, but I really NEED to clean the bathrooms or something, and I tell her that I can't play right now.

    I don't know how to prioritize the two though. I always know that my main priorities should be to care for the children, AND care for the house. I don't think one ALWAYS takes priority though. Personally, on a day (or days) where I let all my attention be on the girls (taking them to the park, play dates, or just playing around the house) and the house is a disaster, I think that it creates more stress in our house. I'm frustrated when I enter a room and see huge messes, the girls are triping on toys, Abby's favorite sippy cup isn't clean, Cam is overwhelmed when he comes home, etc. I really think it's true, the saying "A clean home is a happy home". So there has to be a balance.

    But I think your right, everyday is gonna be different. Somedays, one of the girls, or both, might be really demanding of my attention, so i just have to realize, that the cleaning isn't gonna get done. And thats okay, there is always tomorrow.

    I read in some parenting book that sometimes, if you give them 5-10 minutes of attention (watching Elaine paint, or playing with Adam) then they might be content to let you take the next 30 minutes to clean. Sometimes with Abby this works. If I play doll house with her for a little while, it will get her imagination going enough, that she will play with her self for quite awhile. But other days, she throws a fit if I try to walk away.

    I think in part, maybe try to change your mind set that going to the park, or playing is not being productive. To me, if I turn on the TV to personally watch a show while the girls are awake, then I'm officially not being productive. But playing with the kids is being productive. You are still doing your job of being a mother.

    Also, take a break. I don't know what your guys' thoughts are on the kids watching TV/movies. But at our house, while Lexi is napping, Abby has the choice to watch a movie or a couple of cartoons. I try to limit the tv time to just that, but then we all get some quiet time. Some days, I'll choose to clean during quiet time, others, I'll sit down and relax, or call my mom to chit chat.

    I'm sure your doing a great job of balancing the two. just keep in mind, that a few years down the road, all the kids will be in school, and we will probably be miss them, and have plenty of time to clean and stuff. It's just a few years of REALLY sacraficing our time, then, slowly, us mothers will get more and more time to ourselves.

    Let me know if you figure out some magic solution. I'm starting to get really nervous about how I'll manage my time between three kids once this baby arrives.
