Monday, March 28, 2011


I was given a handout with these rights on it, and it's been a good reminder to me.  Enjoy.


The right to have and express your own feelings and opinions.

The right to refuse requests without having to feel guilty or selfish.

The right to consider your own needs.

The right to set your own priorities and make your own decisions.

The right to change.

The right to decide what to do with your own property, body and time.

The right to make mistakes- - - - -and be responsible for them.

The right to ask for what you want (realizing that the other person has the right to say no).

The right to ask for information (including professionals).

The right to choose not to assert yourself.

The right to do anything as long as it does not violate the rights of someone else.

The right to maintain your dignity be being properly assertive- - -even if the other person feels hurt- - -as long as you do not violate the other person's basic human rights.

The right to be independent.

The right to be successful.

The right to have rights and stand up for them.

The right to be left alone.

The right to be treated with respect and dignity.

The right to be listened to and taken seriously.

The right to get what you pay for.

The right to initiate  a discussion of the problem with the person involved and to clarify it, in borderline interpersonal cases where the rights involved are not clear.

1 comment:

  1. I like this. I need to remind myself that it's okay to: refuse a request, consider my own needs. Often I find myself putting others needs/wants before my own.

    Thanks for this!
