Friday, January 28, 2011

First Foodie Friday

How about that alliteration?!

So, I think people were interested in sharing recipes and food tips?  I'll go ahead and be the first to share.

My recipe, isn't so much a recipe as it is a process.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Peel, then cut up sweet potatoes.  I usually just cut mine into 1 inch slices, but you could cut them smaller if you want them to cook faster.  Then use some oil to lightly coat.  Place in a 400* oven on a sheet pan.  Cook for about 45 minutes (the cooking time depends on how big the slices, and how brown you want the veggie), turning over half way.

Growing up, I had literally NEVER had sweet potatoes, not even at Thanksgiving.  When I got married, Cam's family always had sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving.  I finally tried them.  I figured, how bad could a vegetable be when it's covered in marshmallows.  So good!  I couldn't believe what I'd been missing for all my life.  But for years, I only enjoyed them at Thanksgiving.  A year or two ago, Cam and I decided to try to swap out a baked potato for a sweet potato one night for dinner.  Same cooking method, just different vegetable.  They were good cooked this way too, and have become a regular in our dinner rotation.  Then a couple of weeks ago, I tried this method of cooking them, and literally fell in love.  I CRAVE these roasted sweet potatoes almost every day.  Unfortunately, I don't think the rest of the family fell in love quite like I did.  But I do make a big batch, and eat the leftovers for the next couple of days. 

P.S.  Sometimes I'll add other veggies to be roasted too, potatoes, carrots, etc.  But the sweet potatoes are by far my favorite :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Leisa! Thank you for sharing this--I'm looking forward to making it! Keep em comin'!
