Sunday, January 16, 2011

It Doesn't Matter...What Anybody Else Thinks

In the past six months, I have undergone some huge personal changes in my life.  With my Mom's help, I've worked to change the way I think.  And boy, I'm a lot happier.  Some of you have expressed interest in the journey I've taken, so I'd like to take the  opportunity to share what I've learned on this blog. 

Now, does this mean that I'm perfect?  That I never have a bad day?  Ha.  No way.  I still have my down days, too.  But they have become fewer and easier to beat.    

Here's a big lesson that has really helped me in all areas of my life...

I know as mothers we can constantly worry about what other people think of our parenting skills. And we can also worry about what people think about us in every facet of our lives.  Here are a few examples from my life:

"What if so-and-so doesn't like when Drew's bedtime is?"

"What if she thinks I'm too lenient with Drew?"

"CRUD!  My kitchen was a disaster when so-and-so came over.  What if she thinks I'm a terrible housekeeper?"  

And the biggie...

"What if they think I'm a BAD MOTHER?!" 

Enter my Mom's wisdom. She taught me this simple truth...

When someone confronts you about your parenting, (or anything, really) or when you worry about what other people may be thinking, consider these two questions:

1. Am I right with myself?
2. Am I right with God? 

If the answer to these two questions is yes, then let that person talk 'til they're blue in the face.  Or let what person think whatever they want.  It doesn't matter.  You are right with you, and you are right with your Maker.  Nobody else matters.

My Mom summed it up this way: "Trust yourself after you place your trust in the Lord."

I've started doing this, and boy, does it make a difference.  I've stopped caring what people think of me--from my parenting, to my messy house, to my t-shirt and jeans and un-done hair.  It has liberated me.  It has helped me become much more confident in who I am and in what I'm doing.

Because I know the One who really behind me 100%. 

1 comment:

  1. Why do we care so much about what other people think? I know this has been a struggle for me, for sure. I've never put much stock in what friends/ward-members/etc. think about me, but family...that's something different. I absolutely have obsessed about what my family/inlaws think of me.

    I love what you wrote "Trust yourself after you place your trust in the Lord." I need to print that out and hang that all over my house. I need to adopt that into my life to deal with the worry rather than try to "hide" my "weaknesses" from others.
