Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stop, Pay the Ticket, and Drive On

Drew and I were motoring home as fast as possible through the back roads of my neighborhood.  As usual, my brain was hopping from subject to subject at lighting speed.  "Wow, I  can't believe she's moving in two weeks!  I wonder what I can do to help.  Hmm, I wonder what we should have for lunch?"

Wee-ooohh. Wee-ooohh.

I wonder what that noise was?  Must have been the radio.

Wee-ooohh. Wee-ooohh.  Again.

I look in my rear view mirror and realize, no, it's not the radio.  It's a motorcycle cop.

I wonder what I did?  Maybe if I'm friendly, he won't give me a ticket.

I roll down my window and work the cheerful groove.  "Hello, Officer!" I chirped.

"Ma'am, are you aware that you blew a stop sign back there?" said Mr. Serious Officer.

"I did?  No, I had no idea."

"Yeah, that's what I thought.  I could tell because I didn't even see your head turn to look both ways at the intersection.  I don't even think you saw me.  Can I have your license and registration, please?"

The officer comes back and hands me a ticket for $81 and 4 points on my license.

Darn, no cheerful points. 

"Well, thanks, officer, and I'll pay this right away so I only have 2 points on my license," I say. 

Now, standard Becky procedure would be to perhaps cry, and then proceed to beat myself up about it for a week or so, and then get over it.  But, instead, I just laughed at myself, paid the ticket, and moved on with life.  What else could I do, right?  (Oh, and I also make sure to reaaaaalllly stop whenever I hit that intersection now.)

So it is with most things in life.  Last week I was stressing on the phone to my Mom about possibly offending somebody in a meeting last week.  My Mom said, "Remember the day you got that ticket?"

"Yeah," I replied.  "Why?"

"Remember that you just stopped, paid the ticket, and moved on with life?"


"It's the same situation here.  You've already stopped and realized you made a mistake.  You paid the ticket by apologizing.  Now, get on with your life and let it go."

So, when you make parenting opps, or chew out a family member, or make some other boo-boo....stop, pay the ticket, and drive on.

For the Savior has already ultimately paid the ticket for you.  

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom is full of really awesome advise! I do the same thing, stressing about something that may have possibly hurt someones feelings or should I have done/said something but stayed quiet instead. It's crazy, cuz I'll sleep horribly for days, worrying about it for hours in the middle of the night. Right now, the only thing that I've found to work, is to avoid people. It's not the most realistic solution. I like yours much better. MOVE ON! Genious!
