Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Weekend of Inspirtaional Talks

'This weekend we had Women's Conference and Ward Conference--a spiritual feast!  Now that I barely catch anything in some Sunday meetings due to a toddler, I really enjoyed these gems that I'll write on here for you guys.  I think they will be helpful to all of us. Urm, they're paraphrased quotes, but good all the same...

"Negative self-talk is a stealer of happiness."

"Living the gospel doesn't mean that you have to take a meal to every person in the ward who needs it.  Living the gospel means that you do the small things each day--say your prayers, read your scriptures, etc.  Just doing your best to follow the Savior each day is living the gospel."

"Women have a unique perspective on life." 

My stake president told a story related by a visiting seventy who has a family member in the area (sorry, don't remember his name.)  Years ago, this seventy was on a committee to examine the prospects of installing carpeting instead of hardwood floors in chapels.  The proposal was turned down because Elder LeGrande Richards thought that it wasn't necessary.  Years later, the committee had another opportunity to examine the cost of carpet verses hardwood in the chapels.  At the same time, the committee appealed to the perspective of the sisters and asked if carpet would be better in chapels. The sisters said that carpet would be much better because it would be quieter when toys dropped, etc.  When the committee presented this argument, Elder Richards became a supporter of carpet in chapels because it would increase reverence.

"A warning voice in the gospel is not a guilt trip.  It is a loving reminder to change something in your life."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing.

    When I started reading the story about them looking into hardwood floors in the chapel, my first thought was that it would be so noisy. I guess us moms sometimes think about practicality before beauty.
